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Mara Vision Outreach’s range of view for these indigenous tribes of Kenya continues to expand. By 2014, the Kenyan government had noticed that MVO was affecting the lives of the Maasai people positively. Incidence of alcoholism had diminished greatly in the regions reached by MVO. More cleanly, healthy lives energized the people who embraced the teachings.


Near the close of the 2014 camp meeting, representatives from the Narok County Council met with MVO leadership to ask that MVO provide pastors and teachers to teach Bible in the 50 government schools on the Maasai Mara. The Bible is their textbook, and the truths leap from the pages of Scripture into the young minds. One of the teachers has more than 900 students, and 400 attend Sabbath services, including the principal’s daughter.

By 2016, one team member observed that in the Maasai culture, women who lose their husbands for any reason are not allowed to remarry—no matter their ages, even if they are very young. These destitute women had no means to an income until MVO came along. MVO implemented a sheep ministry to help these women to provide for their families. Today, a shepherd has been hired to help tend to the flock so these women can survive in this environment.

Also in 2016, land was purchased to build an evangelism training center. When missionaries are hushed from spreading the gospel message, the work must continue. The center will provide the necessary instruction so the work can continue.


In November 2019, a literacy school for the Maasai warriors was established. This component of MVO is flourishing. For the first time in their lives, warriors can learn to read and write. Again, their textbook is the Bible. These young men have become so enamored with God that they want to be baptized and become pastors.

Currently, one teacher rotates to different remote location five days a week to educate the warriors. This means that they receive instruction only one day a week. Plans are under way to build a campus on the MVO property. In addition to evangelism training, it will also house the warrior literacy school. The warriors are thrilled with the idea.


In March 2022, a rock fence was built around the property. When that was completed, miracles happened when the well was drilled on the property in April. Subsequently, a communal water station was built so the ladies from the community could easily get water. Previously, they would leave their homes in the darkness of the wee hours of the morning and trod a dangerous path to fill their families’ water jugs. In September 2022, a 50,000-liter cistern installed.

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